By: Sonia, Emiliano, and Galilea
Portugal is full of excitement. This website will show some highlight of desserts and traditions of Portugal and of course, highlights of Portugal!
By: Sonia, Emiliano, and Galilea
Portugal is full of excitement. This website will show some highlight of desserts and traditions of Portugal and of course, highlights of Portugal!
Portugal has amazing traditions. Some of them date back to the 12th century. They have many songs, poems, and dancing. For example, during festas adults and children dance. Some accomplished poets are Afonso III and Dinis who were two kings of the country.
Theater later on appeared in the 15th century.
Cozido à Portuguesa is a food in Portugal that is made of pork, beef, chicken, and a bunch of types of pork. Cozido à Portuguesa isn't all meat though, it has some vegetables in it too. It is said to be "one of the national dishes of Portugal.
Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato is a food in Portugal that is named after 19th century Lisbon poet Bulhão Pato, a well known gourmand. It is a very popular dish. It still is today some restaurants.
Arroz de pato is rice with duck. It is mainly used as a side dish though, but it is still popular.